The inspiration for my paintings/drawings comes from various areas of the province of British Columbia, Canada.
I was born and raised in Chilliwack B.C., at the base of the beautiful Cascade Mountain Range. I spent my youth hiking, climbing and camping amongst these majestic mountains. I came to regard these mountain peaks as my friends, each having their own personalities. The First Nations Sto:lo people have legends and stories of these mountains, I use the original names for the titles of my paintings. Tree planting, surveying and working in this spectacular vista gave me the inspiration for all my early paintings and this area of the province continues to inspire me.
After having graduated from the University Of British Columbia with a Bachelors Degree in Art Education in 1982, I relocated to the Cariboo region of central British Columbia where I resided as an art educator and landscape painter for thirty years.
The Cariboo became part of my soul and I spent my time canoeing, fishing, hiking, snowshoeing and camping in this colourful, awe inspiring region. For thirty years my acrylic, oil and watercolour paintings depicted the gold creeks, frozen lakes, forests and mountains of the Quesnel/Barkerville area.
In 2012 I left the Cariboo and moved to Canada’s only desert region, the Southern Okanagan of British Columbia. This part of the province has a completely different landscape from the rest of the country as it is classified as a “pocket desert”. The beautiful skies, lakes and desert areas have inspired my recent works.
I hope you enjoy viewing my work on this web site. I exhibit my paintings at the Art Gallery Osoyoos in Osoyoos B.C., the Front Street Gallery in Penticton and various wineries in the Southern Okanagan.
I have always returned to the Chilliwack Mountains.They fill my soul with a sense of awe and wonder. I have hiked and explored these giants of granite and the forests that adorn them. These mountains have always inspired me to paint them. For decades I have tried to capture their spirit on canvas, I hope I have succeeded.
My paintings can be ordered by contacting at me peterdscott7@gmail.com, prices do not include shipping.
Peter Scott
In case you missed them, Peter has been featured in the following publications: